Empowering Women and Overcoming Perfectionism in the Workplace  

By Laura Chavarria on March 29, 2024


As part of International Women's Month, at SPECTRAFORCE, we have been committed to addressing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. As part of this effort, we had the privilege of hosting a webinar with expert Patricia Arboleda, who addressed vital topics regarding women's empowerment in the workplace. Join us to explore the reasons behind the pressure for perfection that many women face and how this affects their professional progress and personal well-being.

Currently, professional women may find themselves trapped in an endless pursuit of perfection. From a young age, we are taught to aspire to excellence in all aspects of our lives: to be the perfect daughter, the exemplary student, the supportive friend, the multitasking mother, and eventually, the flawless professional. However, this relentless pursuit of perfection is not only exhausting but can also be profoundly limiting to women’s professional progress and personal well-being. 

It is precisely for this reason that at SPECTRAFORCE, we understand the need to address situations and topics that allow us to have a comprehensive view of the issue and how to overcome it by working as a team and supporting each other. As part of International Women’s Month, we organized a discussion with Patricia Arboleda, an executive leadership coach, and inspirational leader, advocate for gender equality in the workplace. 


Patricia Arboleda SPECTRAFORCE Quote

During this webinar, the Patricia shared her experiences regarding the multiple challenges that women face in the workplace, particularly the pressure of perfectionism. 

Challenges for women in the workplace- SPECTRAFORCE

Challenges in the Workplace 

This space allowed us to explore the main challenges that women face in seeking employment, professional and personal development, and climbing the corporate ladder. The main challenges for women to reach leadership positions are often rooted in systemic barriers and biases that exist within organizations and society. These challenges can include gender discrimination, unconscious bias, lack of mentorship and sponsorship, limited access to opportunities for skill development and advancement, and work-life balance issues. 

“Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that involves organizational policies and practices to promote gender equity, leadership development programs tailored to the needs of women, mentorship and sponsorship initiatives, creating inclusive work cultures that value diversity and flexibility, and ongoing efforts to challenge and dismantle systemic biases and barriers”, Arboleda added. 

Letting Go of Perfectionism 

Arboleda points out that women often feel compelled to fulfill all their professional and personal responsibilities impeccably, leaving no room for error or imperfection. This mindset, while driven by the desire for excellence, can also be paralyzing and limiting. It prevents us from taking risks, seeking new opportunities, and ultimately reaching our full potential. 

A particularly alarming aspect is the significant difference in salary negotiation between men and women. Data presented by McKinsey & Company during the discussion reveals that only 31% of women negotiate their salary when changing jobs or advancing, compared to 41% of men. This persistent gender pay gap reflects not only differences in confidence and negotiation skills but also cultural expectations surrounding the value and compensation of women’s work. 

Tools and solutions 

To strengthen our presence in the workplace as women, it’s crucial to utilize a variety of tools on a daily basis: 

  1. Build your personal brand: Define your unique value proposition and consistently communicate it through your actions, words, and online presence. 
  1. Claim your Achievements: Take ownership of your accomplishments and ensure they are recognized and celebrated, both by yourself and others. 
  1. Ask for what you want: Be proactive in expressing your needs, whether it’s additional responsibilities, resources, or support. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; seek them out. 
  1. Build a powerful network: Cultivate relationships with colleagues, mentors, and industry peers who can provide support, guidance, and opportunities for growth. 

The Powerful Impact of Inclusion and Equity 

Part of the culture we promote is enabling women, and all our employees, to feel empowered and confident in performing to their fullest potential, providing tools that allow them to feel supported and equipped to excel. 

We firmly believe that an inclusive work environment is fundamental to the success of SPECTRAFORCE, as well as our teams and employees. We are proud to be recognized as one of the leading companies that values and promotes healthy and safe professional development for women at all levels of the organization. To learn more, click here

About Patricia Arboleda 

Patricia Arboleda is an experienced Executive and Leadership Coach, renowned for her expertise in career strategy and empowerment. With over 25 years of experience in management, sales, and marketing, she possesses a deep understanding of the challenges faced by professionals, particularly women and Latinx individuals, in today’s corporate landscape. As the CEO & Founder of Arboleda Coaching, Patricia is dedicated to helping individuals define success on their own terms and navigate the path to leadership with confidence and purpose.