Tips To Bring A Big Impact After Earth Day

By Navneet Kalsi on July 22, 2021

Key Points

  • History of Earth Day
  • Tips to a big impact
  • How are you bring a change?

When we talk about Earth Day, clean air, fresh water, clear skies, and the nourishing ground that provides vegetation, what crosses my mind?

A brighter, cleaner and an undamaged planet for us and our future generations.

Earth Day was formed in 1970 after observing the damage from a detrimental oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969 that threatened marine life and other animals. This event sparked an environment policy change and ultimately the dedication of a day, Earth Day, which went global, incorporating more than 196 countries. The worldwide participation for Earth Day activities demonstrates the support of environment protection.

Unfortunately, despite participation in Earth Day, the 21st century has witnessed the most deadliest natural disasters including The Haiti Earthquake (2010), The Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004), The European Heat wave (2003), Hurricane Katrina (2005), The Afghanistan Blizzard (2008), The East Africa Drought (2011) and many more destructive setbacks which has been the result of exploiting the environment we live in. With that said, this Earth Day SPECTRAFORCE wanted to make a difference and moving forward.

SPECTRAFORCE, is committed towards corporate responsibilities by creating awareness, contributing studiously, and by taking measurable steps to protect the Earth from the threat of the changing climate. ECOPHORIA® proudly promotes diversity by initiating sustainability in the workplace through various activities and volunteering.

During this pandemic, we celebrated Earth Day on the 22nd of April, 2021 with the first ever ECOPHORIA® online event. A team of SPECTRAFORCE volunteers promoted and educated the vision of a better tomorrow for our SPECTRAFORCE teams in India, US and Puerto Rico.

Photo Credit: John Martinez Photography

All the volunteers showcased what Earth Day symbolizes for them by presenting small changes that can allusively make a big impact. Some of the topics of discussion that would bring small changes were:

  • How to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Renew.
  • Encourage Eco-friendly driving or cycling.
  • Reduce water pollution.
  • Improve Hygiene.
  • Choose sustainability by changing habits.
  • Initiate small changes for a better tomorrow.

All emphasized to advocate on how we all can together protect the planet we live in. We all should start by educating our locals and students on how to contribute to the cause by volunteering or join NGO’s, seminars, discussions, rallies, outdoor activities or conferences. Everyone is capable of making small adjustments that are more sustainable in the comfort of your home. For instance, you can manage consumables (water and/or electricity), shop from local farmer’s markets, or even plant a tree in your backyard. Leading the way by being resourceful to each other, by raising public awareness or enlightening people about conservation is a small step for the greater good of our planet, Earth.

As Oscar winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio in his thank you speech said,

“Climate change is real, it is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively and stop procrastinating. We need to support the leaders around the world who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this! For our children’s children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed.”

How are you going to celebrate Earth Day everyday?


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash