Important Tips to Navigate the Pitfalls of Interviewing in 2023

By Shawn Joseph on May 12, 2023


Learn how to navigate the potential pitfalls of job interviews in 2023 with these professional tips. While technology has streamlined the recruitment process, there are still underhanded tactics, misleading job postings, and lowball compensation packages to watch out for. Stay vigilant and informed to succeed in your job hunt!

A lot has changed in how businesses function this year, including how they interview and hire new employees. On the one hand, technology has helped streamline corporate recruitment processes globally – a growing number of organizations, across nearly every industrial sector, now rely on AI platforms to identify and recruit the best possible candidates to fill specific job roles. Yet as a potential candidate, there are still pitfalls you need to be wary of when interviewing in 2023.

Vigilance is the backbone of a successful job hunt. Not all job opportunities that come your way will be legitimate. Misleading employment postings, underhanded recruitment tactics, lowball compensation packages, and outright falsehoods commonly plague the hiring process, and it can seem daunting to navigate these murky waters.

So, we figured you’d appreciate a few professional tips on the factors that deserve consideration during the corporate hiring process in 2023, hopefully settling any pre-interview nerves!

The job description matters

Scrutinize the job description as it will reveal quite a bit about your potential new employers. Pay particular attention to:

  • Unrealistic work expectations
  • Absence of job requirements
  • Lack of salary range quotation
  • Vague employer details

It’s worth noting that a higher salary quote doesn’t always translate into a worthwhile new job. Some companies intentionally quote attractive salaries to lure applicants and boost their candidate pipeline. They might entice you with the promise of lofty remuneration, make you go through several rounds of interviews, only to then put forth a sub-par offer that isn’t worth your time.

Is the application process candidate-friendly?

How complicated is the process of submitting your résumé? That tells a lot about the degree to which a company values its employees’ time. If the process is archaic and you don’t receive adequate support when issues arise, or even a lack of response after a week, indicates that you should probably look elsewhere for new career avenues.

Are the interviewers well prepared for the interview too?

Did the HR representative or hiring manager(s) schedule interview times without confirming your availability or try to force you into attending interviews on inconvenient days and times? These are noteworthy red flags that reflect poorly on how the company values its new recruits.

Other examples of ill-prepared and unprofessional interviewer behaviors include:

  • Last-minute interview cancellations
  • Not returning your calls, messages, or emails for long periods
  • Not apologizing for the inconveniences caused to you
  • Showing up late for interviews
  • Unaware of basic details about you, like your name, before interviewing you

Searching for a new job is stressful, isn’t it? The pressure is even greater when you’ve lost your job and need a new one as soon as possible. However, that doesn’t mean you should tolerate any form of mistreatment or abuse during the interview process.

It’s one thing for there to be a lack of empathy by HR and other decision-makers, but if they treat you badly now, then expect the same or even worse while working for them too.

Get to know the hiring manager as well as you can

It’s important that you and the hiring manager(s) share a similar outlook on your responsibilities and what’s expected of you before you agree to join the organization. Ask probing questions to gauge the type of people you’ll be working with and reporting to. Basically, interview them as much as they’re interviewing you!

Try to get a feel for:

  • How knowledgeable the hiring manager is about the industry/job market
  • How open they are to your ideas and suggestions
  • Where they see you fitting in their team
  • How closely will they work with you and how much support can you expect
  • How they visualize your growth in the company if you perform well
  • Their mannerisms and behavior toward you
  • Their ability to engage you in productive conversations

Lengthy interview processes

A recent employment trend points towards some organizations requiring interview processes that span 3 to 6 months, during which you may interact with as many as 10 different decision-makers! The difficulty lies in finding common ground between numerous people.

The more people involved in the process, the more time it takes for them to agree on a candidate, dragging the process out for far longer than necessary. It can be deeply frustrating to be denied the job or receive a lowball offer after this hassle.

Facing these employment challenges alone may help you build valuable career experiences, but working with a trustworthy recruiter who looks out for your best interests is always a good practice.



What To Watch Out For When Interviewing In 2023 (