How To Create Challenging Career Goals Now For 2022

By Connor Barry on December 28, 2021

Key Points:

  • Amber Kramer, the Head of Human Resources at SPECTRAFORCE, to join us for an interview and provide all of her insight into crafting the best work goals for the upcoming year.
  • Crafting challenging work goals takes a formula and structure to ensure they are measurable and attainable.
  • If we create work goals that bring overall happiness, happiness will spread into other aspects of our lives.

Many people create new year resolutions and goals for the upcoming year, including personal goals, such as health goals or even spending more time away from work. However, most individuals’ time is spent at work for 40 hours plus a week. So, why not we set goals for areas of our life that take up so much of our time?

To craft the best challenging career goals, we requested Amber Kramer, the Head of Human Resources at SPECTRAFORCE, to join us for an interview and provide all of her insight into crafting the best work goals for the upcoming year.

Why should someone craftwork goals outside of their manager’s goals for them?

Amber: It all comes down to the individual’s aspirations are and overall career goals. Work goals are about how you can move the needle in 2022 to exceed your attainable goals in 2023.

What’s the difference between challenging and unattainable goals?

Amber: Goals are about what you want to achieve and making them quantifiable. How are you supposed to know if you’ve met your goals if they aren’t measurable? For instance, if someone says they want to make more money in the new year, they should add the desired amount and check if they are meeting or exceeding their goals during the year.

Should someone use the S.M.A.R.T. goal methodology for their work goals? (S for specific, M for measurable, A for attainable, R for reasonable, and T for time-based)

Amber: Yes, it’s a proven successful way of planning and tracking goals! You have to identify all those aspects, so your goal isn’t fictitious, and you can work towards them.

Is there a formula or structure to crafting a challenging and personalized work goal if you’re changing jobs?

Amber: There are a few areas in which someone switching jobs can look at such as, what motivated them to change, what they were discontent with, and what they are looking forward to in their new position. Regarding the structure, I think it’s a safe place to start at one year if two or five years is too far. Start where you think you’ll be in one year and build back from that. It’s best to start your goals around three and lead up to five goals, so you’re not overwhelmed.

Are there any goals that everyone should consider?

Amber: Most people want to be well educated and respected in their space, so having goals that align with that, like certifications or mentor/mentee relationships, is a great place to start.

Should your work goals be separate from those your manager creates for you?

Amber: Yes! As long as you feel appropriate, it’s the best-case scenario to share your work goals with your manager for feedback. This way, your goals are aligned, and your manager could help you maximize your goals. You’re also showing your manager that you are passionate about your job.

When do you feel there is the best time to evaluate your goals? Is it weekly, monthly, or quarterly?

Amber: A couple of aspects determine the frequency of when you should check on your goals. First, it depends on the person and what is reasonable to them. Second, the career stage is essential because the goals are more likely complex and take time if they are further along. I also read an article the other day that talked about this, and their method was “take 5”. Every Friday, you check in with yourself, check on your goals, how you’re tracking with the goals, and how I am feeling in general about work. This method is excellent because you’re not subjectively looking back at work based on one day; you’re looking at it holistically over a month.

Do you think there should ever be a time to optimize your goals during the year?

Amber: Optimizing your goals can be significant in two ways because, for one, you could have more gas in your tank to complete your goals and need to pivot, or there may be an unavoidable circumstance, for instance, COVID.

As you work through your challenging work goals using Amber’s insights, it is essential to understand the importance of a healthy life balance. Challenging goals shouldn’t equate to becoming overwhelmed but instead allow you to grow into the best version of yourself in the new year. If you’re looking for more helpful articles like this one, check out our blogs here.

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