How To Be A Great Leader: 8 Actions To Start Now

By Connor Barry on April 18, 2022

Key Points:

  • Obtaining a leadership position in a company does not automatically make you a great leader.
  • To become a leader in your industry and at work, you need to be a hard worker, have the right mindset, and network.
  • Mentors, books, courses, and training can all be helpful resources in building your leadership skills.

Becoming a leader in your industry comes with many advantages and opportunities. Unfortunately, many are just unaware of how to become a leader, or they believe that if they are in a leadership position, it automatically makes them a leader. However, being a leader is more than holding a leadership position at your place of work. If you’re wondering how to become a leader and make a positive impact, check out our many ways below.

1st Action

You want to set an example for your team while at work. Be accountable and hardworking so your team will follow suit. Taking responsibility for the good and the bad shows you can handle your recognition of achievement and criticism.

2nd Action

Your mindset is a large portion of what makes you a valuable asset – spread positivity and self-awareness. Having an awareness of how others perceive you and how to apply your strengths can set you apart from the rest. Spread positivity by encouraging others to embrace their strengths as well.

3rd Action

Becoming a thought leader in your industry begins by completing your work and thinking strategically. A leader can understand all that comes with a project, both tactically and holistically. Understand the service you’re providing, how it creates value, and the problem you are solving to reach a project’s goal.

4th Action

Find mentors in your space that you admire that can provide insight into the industry. When you find mentors, they can be an excellent connection for networking and gaining feedback for your ideas. They can also offer their stories on how they got to where they are to give you constructive criticism and inspiration.

5th Action

Get involved in the industry through groups or events. Networking may seem like a daunting task for introverts, but it’s necessary to put yourself out there to build your network. You can establish yourself as a leader by making your network and creating more opportunities, such as speaking on a panel.

6th Action

Leaders have a community, and to build a community, you must be inclusive. Inclusivity in the workspace allows your work to be diverse and optimal creativity with various ideas from different backgrounds. Encourage diverse hires and applications into networking opportunities. For more information on why diversity is essential to the workplace, check out our article here.

7th Action

Establish yourself as a mentor towards those joining the industry. Once you have a few years of experience managing or leading a team, take your talent potentially outside of the office by mentoring new talent in the industry. It’s vital to teach your mentees or team rather than give orders.

8th Action

Various books, courses, and training certifications can help you better understand management or what it means to be a great leader. Search your local bookstore or New York Best Seller’s list for books like Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek. If you’re looking for videos to help build on your leadership skills, check out articles like this article from Forbes.

Using the methods above will have you one step closer to being the leader you are meant to be. If you are looking for more articles like this, check out our other blog articles, like the Seven Best Tools and Apps for an Efficient Workday.

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