A diverse group of professionals is sitting and standing around a conference table, with laptops, papers, and coffee cups, engaged in a discussion. A woman stands at the head of the table, smiling. Behind her is a whiteboard with diagrams and notes focused on small business sustainability.

How To Understand Different Workplace Personalities

By Career Advice, Culture, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, How-To Articles Archives, HR, ResourcesNo Comments

No matter where you work or your role, you’ll likely work with various people with different perspectives than yours. Therefore, it’s essential to keep an open mind and understand how your team members work and think for a collaborative and conflict-free work environment. In today’s blog post, we share different ways you can better understand your coworkers and how to work with them.

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A white calendar block displays the date "June 19" against a wooden background, subtly highlighting Juneteenth. The blocks show the word "June" and the numbers "1" and "9". The image has a rustic, minimalistic aesthetic.

Juneteenth: Balance of Environment, Economy, Society

By Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, EcophoriaNo Comments

At SPECTRAFORCE, the Sustainability Committee, ECOPHORIA™, seeks not only to educate others on environmental issues, but also to encourage them to live more sustainably. Sustainability is a balance between the environment, the economy, and society. On Juneteenth day we recognize our history and past, together, acknowledging the human rights of all people, and respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion, without discrimination based on “race, color, sex, language, religion, national or social origin, economic position, birth, among others.”

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A row of books is lined up against a vibrant yellow-orange background, with spines and pages facing different directions. The text on the image reads, "May Book Club Learnings - Man's Search for Meaning: Exploring Leader Characteristics.

May Book Club Learnings – Man’s Search For Meaning

By Diversity, Equity, & InclusionNo Comments

One of the initiatives our DE&I committee undertakes is – Discuss & Discover Group. The Discuss & Discover Group encourages employees to keep their minds healthy and spend free time in fruitful ways like discovering and learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion. This allows us to understand a new perspective and discuss findings. For May, the group chose “Man’s Search for Meaning” written by Viktor E. Frankl. This profound read led us through an amazing story of survival and revealed how powerful our minds are. This book has left a lasting impression. We invite you to read our learnings from May’s book club.

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