6 Selfcare Tips for Zoom Meetings

By Connor Barry on May 5, 2021

Key Points:

  • Request a phone call instead
  • Turn off the screen function
  • Set up an agenda
  • Create a relaxing and productive environment
  • Give yourself a break
  • Try blue light glasses

Zoom meetings have increased significantly over the past year, as we are not only using Zoom for business but also to reconnect with loved ones. All of this screen time can lead to a new condition, Zoom fatigue. Yes, it’s a real thing.

Zoom fatigue primarily happens from an individual staring at their computer or digital screen for many hours. Typically, in an in-person meeting, you can look away from the conference and maybe take notes, but during a Zoom, it’s expected to have a constant gaze on the computer to show you’re paying attention. We no longer have nonverbal communication to read the room and instead focus our energy on a screen trying to read the room, increasing our cognitive load. Zoom fatigue can leave you more anxious than energized after a meeting.

Not only can constant interaction online be exhausting, but there’s also the blue light from the screen that can cause irritated eyes, blurry vision, and even headaches. While the laptop may be causing harmful blue light exposure, but the act of sitting at your computer is causing a lack of physical mobility, in turn creating inefficiency.

To help combat zoom fatigue, we’ve outlined six ways for self-care during your workday.

Request a phone call instead

If you’ve been in back-to-back Zoom calls, there’s a high probability your coworkers have too, and they may be feeling the same way. Check-in with them and see if a phone call is possible instead. Taking a break from your laptop can allow you to give your undivided attention still, but also give your eyes a break and your legs a stretch.

Turn off the screen function

If a phone call isn’t an option, see if everyone needs to share their screen. By not sharing your screen, you can focus on the conversation at hand and not have as many distractions. When all attendees have their video on, you can see everything behind them – whether it’s a dog, child, or distracting decor.

Set up an agenda

Are you hosting the Zoom call? If so, be sure to outline a schedule before the call. Having a plan allows all attendees to remain on task, which then extends to staying on time.

Create a relaxing and productive environment

If you are stuck on a Zoom call, why not give yourself a comfortable environment? Light a candle or use some essential oils to keep your workspace stress-free. Don’t forget to have a glass of water by you to stay hydrated.

Give yourself a break

Make sure to give yourself a break by scheduling time in-between meetings. During these breaks, you can do mindful breathing exercises, listen to relaxing music, and stretch from sitting in one place for an extended time.

Try blue light glasses

Do your eyes bother you after a long day working? Give your eyes a rest by trying blue light glasses. Blue light glasses are proven to block the blue light from your monitor that often causes dry, irritated eyes, blurred vision, and headaches.

While some of these methods may be a difficult adjustment at first, over time, they will help you and your coworkers adjust to the new normal of online video conferencing and working from home. For more helpful tips, visit our blog page here.

Resources I used but didn’t directly quote:

· https://www.foreyes.com/blog/10-ways-how-blue-light-can-affect-you

· https://news.stanford.edu/2021/02/23/four-causes-zoom-fatigue-solutions/

· https://hbr.org/2020/04/how-to-combat-zoom-fatigue#

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