5 Effective Ways to Manage Stress at Work and Boost Well-being

By Connor Barry on November 2, 2022

Key Points:

  • Most professionals will endure stress at some point in the workplace, and while it’s inevitable, there are ways you can manage and work through the stress.
  • We have five ways that you can manage stress at work, but please speak to a trained professional for additional resources.

At some point, every working professional has dealt with work stress. In fact, according to an American Psychological Association study, work was cited as one of the most significant sources of stress. However, work stress can lead to chronic stress and can cause a weakened immune system. So, finding ways to manage your stress in the workplace is crucial for your mental and physical health. We are sharing five ways you can manage your stress in the workplace below.

Identify Stress Source

If you find yourself dreading going to work, try working out what exactly your source of stress is. Some of the most common sources of work stress include excessive workloads, conflicting demands, lack of growth opportunities, lack of funds, and toxic workers or work environments. Try talking to a trained professional about the matter and your manager. See if your workplace has stress management resources, such as mental health sources, and find someone within your network. If you don’t have a trained professional available, talk to someone you can trust, or try journaling and writing your thoughts to review holistically. While stress is inevitable, and there’s no way to rid of it entirely, there are stress management techniques to help you work through it.

Start Your Day Positively

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “waking up on the wrong side of the bed”? If you’ve started the day in a grumpy mood, it may follow you through the day. So, try creating a morning routine that works best for you. For example, have a well-balanced breakfast, hydrate, and if you have time, try to get some exercise. If you have a commute into the workplace, turn on your favorite tunes or podcast to start the day on a positive note.

Create A Work-life Balance

There isn’t a work-life balance formula that works for everyone, but there are ways to build your work-life mix. For example, some employers offer vacation and sick time, which should be used respectively. Giving yourself time to recharge is essential to feel your fullest and most productive. Try creating boundaries, such as disconnecting from work notifications after a specific time in the day and on weekends. Read this article for more ways to improve your work-life balance.

Practice Mindfulness In The Workplace

Mindfulness is a stress-reducing method used in and out of the workplace. By bringing mindfulness techniques such as breathing exercises, you can shift your mindset from a stressed to a more relaxed and calm state. The goal of stress management techniques like mindfulness and breathing exercises is to keep you relaxed while focusing on the task at hand. Try reading this article for more information on practicing mindfulness in the workplace.

Create Reasonable Expectations 

Expecting yourself to go above and beyond by tackling your to-do list, plus other responsibilities, without any mistakes is setting yourself up for failure. Set reasonable expectations for yourself because perfectionism isn’t humanely possible. Often, under chronic stress, the mental space that an individual can be is negative – especially on themselves. Reappraise negative thoughts as questions instead of facts. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and learn from minor mistakes.

If you’re coping with stress in the workplace, understanding that you’re not alone and that you have resources to help you is essential. Since avoiding stress isn’t possible, developing stress management techniques can empower you to tackle not only your workload but with a new perspective.

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