5 Ways To Avoid Burnout During The Holidays And Beyond

By Connor Barry on December 30, 2021

Key Points:

  • The holidays can often create stress for many with holiday events and errands, but there are various ways to handle your mile-long to-do list while looking forward to the holidays.
  • Setting yourself up for success doesn’t just mean saying “no” to a few events; it also includes “you” time.

According to some holiday music, the holidays are the best time of the year. However, more than 50% of Americans find the holidays stressful (YouGov). Every year, the holidays take many individuals out of their schedule to make room for holiday events, end-of-year deadlines, travel plans, reviews, and more time with the family. In addition, the current state of the pandemic is causing even more stress on many individuals. So, to help you avoid burnout, we put together five tips so you can enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

Plan your schedule.

Saying yes to every social event sounds terrific if you have a fear of missing out, but it’s not so great when you’re juggling various deadlines, family time, etc. In addition, you have to pause and take a break for your mental and physical health. So, the next time you receive an invite, respond, letting the invitee know you need to look at your schedule before committing.

OOO Means Out Of Office

Are you planning to take a vacation during the holidays? First, set yourself up for success so you can remove all work applications from your phone and enjoy your vacation. Before leaving on your vacation, create a status sheet of all your projects and the next steps. Share this information and any other important information with the person who will take over while you are out of the office and confirm with your manager responsible for your responsibilities. Now, it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself because you deserve it!

Create Your “You” Time

During hectic schedules, it’s essential to carve out time for yourself. Of course, everyone’s “you” time is different based on their interests and what helps them de-stress. For instance, to start the day on a good note, you may like to enjoy your coffee in silence for a certain amount of time. On the other hand, maybe self-care or meditation can help soothe your mind before or after a long day. These moments allow you to control your schedule and give you the headspace to de-stress.

Delegate Your Holiday Work

Since the holiday season, your to-do list has likely significantly increased from the usual grocery, laundry, cleaning, etc. Now, you have presents to buy, food or cocktails to make for events, holiday decor to decorate your home, hosting events, and many more. However, since you’re only one person and there are only 24 hours in the day, you can’t handle all of these tasks yourself with everything else on your plate, so you must delegate. Ask family members to assist with your to-do list, like picking up groceries, or ask if that person can pick up a gift you ordered to save you the trip.

The 3 Essentials: Sleep, Activity, and Nutrients

Along with nutritious meals, it’s vital to get enough sleep each night and get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Getting all three of these in your daily schedule can help you mentally tackle the day and help you stay healthy through the winter months, which are typically filled with various cases of colds, flu, etc. If you have returned to the office, pre-plan your meals and pack healthy snacks. When you’re making time for exercise and sleep, set your phone to “do not disturb” so you can make the most of the time.

As hectic as your schedule might become during the holidays, it’s crucial to find ways to de-stress and enjoy the holidays. The holidays are a time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished this year, what you plan to do in the new year, and spend time with loved ones. We wish you the best of holidays, and we feel confident that if you use the above tips, you’ll be on your way. For more helpful information like this, check out our blog, where we post articles like 5 Signs It’s Time To Leave Your Job.


Header image from Canva

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