5 Topics To Highlight As An Independent Contractor

By Connor Barry on December 9, 2021

Key Points:

  • It can be challenging to stand out as an independent contractor amongst full-time employees.
  • Independent contractors need to use their value, expertise, preparation, and research.
  • Below, we outline five topics to highlight when securing your next client as an independent contractor.

The COVID-19 pandemic has incubated new entrepreneurs. According to the US Census Bureau, in 2020 and 2021, new business applications soared around 500,000, a significant increase from the average 200,000-300,000 over the past ten years. More people are choosing to be independent contractors instead of moving forward as an employee of a company, but employers are focused on hiring full-time employees. As a result, it’s more important than ever to stand out as an independent contractor.

There are various pros and cons to hiring an independent contractor or a full-time employee. Therefore, during the hiring process, it’s vital to share why the employer should hire you and the highlights of why they should hire you over a full-time employee. Below, we break down five topics you can highlight in your following interview as an independent contractor to stand out.

  • Do your research about the company. If the company you are interviewing finds their sales seasonally driven, or if a company is not sure whether they need this role long-term or not, an independent contractor will help fulfill this need. Use that information as leverage when discussing your rates and contract time.
  • As an independent contractor, you are specialized in your field and therefore efficient in your area of expertise. You’re saving time and money for companies. Not only is there more of a possibility that you are more efficient than a full-time employee, but the company does not have to front the government costs of a full-time employee. Some of those government costs include taxes and benefits.
  • As an independent contractor, your business is an extension of yourself. You’re selling your personal brand, and you’re the only one to do that perfectly. Highlight to potential clients what value you bring to the table. Your specialty is more valuable than having someone in the field with generic skills.
  • Marketing your business online is a great way to illustrate your recent work and be seen by potential clients. Having a website that you can direct customers to can be equivalent to an online resume. You can create a website using sites like WixSquarespace, or WordPress. If you’re not a web designer, no worries because these websites have easy templates to get you started.

If you’re looking to broaden your client base in this current climate, the tips above are sure to assist you. Are you a full-time employee looking to join the independent contracting world? Check out our latest post, 10 Benefits That Will Make You Become An Independent Contractor.

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