How To Plan The Perfect Hybrid Work Schedule In 4-Steps

By Connor Barry on August 13, 2021

Key Points:

  • Many companies are allowing their employees to have a hybrid work schedule following the pandemic.
  • Finding a hybrid work schedule that works for you can be difficult, but it’s not impossible.
  • Formulating a hybrid work schedule using these four steps will help you and your team.

Many people worked from home during the pandemic, and now many are transitioning back to the office. To make the transition easier, companies are now using a hybrid work schedule. A hybrid work schedule includes working both from the office and at home during the workweek. The hybrid work schedule has agreed-upon days from the company with their employees to ensure productivity.

If you’ve started working a hybrid schedule or are interested in working a hybrid schedule, it’s best to build a routine that works for you and your employer. Creating a routine can be difficult in general, but balancing a schedule between working in the office and home can be a feat within itself. To help build the perfect balance, we’ve identified some ways to create a routine with a hybrid schedule.

4 Steps Towards A Hybrid Schedule:

1. First and foremost, understand and abide by your employer’s requirements towards a hybrid schedule. For example, your employer may have regulations for the number of days you can work from home or the hours you have to be ready at your computer when working from home. After the pandemic, many employers allowed their employees to work entirely from the office or a hybrid schedule. Be sure to check in with your supervisor to agree on what works best for you and your team.

2. When you have a hybrid schedule, you can create a work-life balance. To make sure you’re as efficient as possible and still maintaining a personal life, set up tools to keep you on the task in and out of the office. Creating a safe space to live your personal life and be the most productive is essential, especially when working from home. Most people find that when they work from home, they have difficulty logging off from work. Using apps and tools to monitor your time can help you better understand when to relieve yourself from work.

3. Figure out when and where you’re most productive. You may find certain parts of your job easier to complete when you’re at home rather than at the office, or vice versa. It could be that you need to have some meetings focused on feedback that would be better suited in person. Arrange your schedule so that your projects and productivity align with your work schedule.

4. Find a time to be in the office when your boss or supervisor is in the office – this will allow for more career opportunities. You may be tackling your to-do list at home, but sharing your accomplishments in real-time with your boss or supervisor may lead to more opportunities. Sometimes, being out of sight will keep you out of mind, but your manager will keep you top of mind if you’re in person!

Making a routine adjustment can take some time, but you can better understand what is suitable for you and your team with these four steps. If you’re having a hard time returning to the office, check out our 8 Easy Steps For A Smooth Transition Back Into The Office.


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Photo by Magnus Olsson on Unsplash

Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

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